August Meeting
August 2, 2021 - ActionLaborers Local One
8618 W. Catalpa Ave
Suite 1101
Chicago, Illinois 60656
Office (773) 380-0001
Fax (773) 380-0002
Laborers Local One Monthly Membership Meetings
Monthly Membership Meetings are the FIRST TUESDAY each month at 7:00pm. Local One members must be in good standing to attend. We will meet at the River Grove Moose Lodge. IF YOU ARE NOT VACCINATED PLEASE WEAR A MASK! WE WILL FOLLOW CDC GUIDELINES FOR OUR IN PERSON MEETINGS!!
8601 Fullerton Ave.
River Grove, IL 60171
Officers of Local One
Leo Esparza – Business Manager
John Conrad – President
Marty Flanagan – Vice President
Peter A. Fosco – Secretary Treasurer
Paul Gehrmann – Recording Secretary
Executive Board Auditors
James Hall Jesus Ortiz
Benito Rivera Michael Pagano
Lucio Rodriguez
Business Agents
John Conrad
Michael Pagano
Jeremy C. Esparza